THOR Digital Technology is a technology company in Indonesia. We build solutions based on one thing: accelerating positive change for all your business needs. At THOR Technology Digital , we are building a future where data can be utilized optimally, creating new value and improving the quality of your business....
Let us take care of all the hassle so you can focus on your core business.
Thortech Digital has collaborated with a number of private companies, state-owned companies and government agencies to fulfill various system & application development requests. Below are some case studies that we would like to introduce.
Thor Technology Digital Given the opportunity to develop a Sales Collaboration (SCO) application for Bank Syariah Indonesia - Banjarmasin Regional so that it can increase the accuracy of Sales pipeline data in real time.
Thor Teknologi DigitalGiven the opportunity to develop the K3L E-Monev Application, E-monev is an application used for monitoring and evaluating K3L PT PLN UIPJBB - West Java to facilitate monitoring of issues/problems at every point
This time, Thor Digital Technology was given the opportunity to develop and upgrade the appearance of the website and system/application at our client's request.
Thor Teknologi Digital Given the opportunity to make a breakthrough by creating ERP Management at PT MITRA TEKNOLOGI UTAMA SEJAHTERA, a SYSTEM that is interconnected between stakeholders in a company business
Yes, We are a technology company focused on building solutions based on one thing: accelerating positive change for all your business needs. Our office is in Golden Madrid Blok D No 26 RT 005/002, Jln Lieutenant Sutopo BSD City Tangerang Banten 15310 Indonesia
We provide Global Standard quality services at reasonable prices. However, if you are planning a project with a very low budget and sacrificing quality, it may not be a good fit for Thortech Digital. You can see further information regarding estimated costs for web design services as a reference here.
Considering that everything depends on your needs and project conditions, it is impossible to give a definite answer. For relatively smaller projects with low risk, completion may be achieved within one month. However, Thortech Digital aims to establish sustainable cooperation, so that when considering participating in pitches/tenders up to direct appointment. we also analyze the potential for long-term relationships.
You can download our company profile via the link provided at the top of this page. (Section About)
By being different, creative and consistent to continue to Improve yourself
Dare to make quick and correct decisions. Always have an open mind, keep learning and adapting and dare to take risks
Aplikasi HR nya keren abis, kekinian dan User friendly. dan yang terpenting untuk kami adalah bisa menyesuaikan sesuai aturan Kantor kami. after salesnya fast response + solving problem Ok (Recomended). Semoga di kemudian hari bisa bekerjasama Kembali.
Tempo Media Group
Development berjalan dengan baik dan sesuai rencana, Support yang diberikan juga sangat baik. Semoga sukses selalu Thortech Digital, dan kedepannya bisa bekerjasama lagi di project lainnya.
Membantu memberikan solusi sesuai dengan kebutuhan, serta tim thor berkomunikasi dengan baik sehingga membantu kami mewujudkan aplikasi yg kami butuhkan. Terimakasih????
Sangat menyenangkan bisa bekerjasama dengan Thortech Digital. Fleksible, kreatif dan bisa memenuhi ekspektasi dengan cepat Sehingga bisa mendapatkan hasil yg sangat memuaskan, semoga tetap istiqomah dalam berkarya untuk indonesia ! Bravo team Thortech Digital.